Boeken Account Executive
De Account Executive kan in verschillende branches werkzaam zijn. Hierdoor is er voldoende arbeidsmarktperspectief. De Account Executive kan in zijn vakgebied doorgroeien als de Account Executive successen behaald. De Account Executive kan dan belangrijke en grotere klanten krijgen. De Account Executive krijgt dan meer verantwoordelijkheden.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Account Executive. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Account Executive. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Account Executive die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 92 beste boeken voor een Account Executive:
![The Hedge Fund Book](
The Hedge Fund Book
The Hedge Fund Book - Engels | Hardcover | 9780470520635 | 25 juni 2010 | 191 pagina'sHedge funds are now in the news more than a thousand times a day, and yet it s hard to find clear, factual information about how they actually operate, raise capital, and invest. That s why author Richard C. Wilson head of the largest hedge fund networking group in the industry has created The Hedge …
![SOE in France, 1941–1945](
SOE in France, 1941–1945
SOE in France, 1941–1945 - Engels | E-book | 9781473882058 | 31 oktober 2016 | -306945In the archives of the Special Operations Executive lay a report compiled by a staff officer and former member of SOE's French Section, Major Robert Bourne-Patterson, that until recently could not be published. Because of the highly sensitive nature of the work undertaken by the SOE, the paper was treated as confidential and its circulation …
![Executive's Guide to Web Services (SOA, Service-Oriented Architecture)](
Executive's Guide to Web Services (SOA, Service-Oriented Architecture)
Executive's Guide to Web Services (SOA, Service-Oriented Architecture) - Engels | Hardcover | 9780471266525 | 15 april 2003 | 240 pagina'sExecutives must continually seek to grow revenue, reduce costs, and improve operating efficiencies. Today, Web services are emerging as a critical technology for achieving these business objectives. Early adopters are deploying Web services as an integration platform to reduce costs. Web services are being used to improve the operating efficiency of relationships with customers, partners, …
![Executive Corporate Finance](
Executive Corporate Finance
Executive Corporate Finance - Engels | Paperback | 9780273675495 | 20 mei 2004 | 384 pagina'sIf you need to know the answer to the question, what are the latest corporate finance concepts and models currently being used by top corporations, to improve their business planning and execution, achieve superior returns, and manage business risks optimally? , then this book is for you. New developments in applied corporate financial techniques are …
![Fairness of CEO Compensation](
Fairness of CEO Compensation
Fairness of CEO Compensation - Engels | Paperback | 9783030335564 | 18 december 2020 | 200 pagina'sExecutive compensation and its fairness to stakeholders are topics of heated debate on platforms ranging from news forums to financial markets. Executive compensation and its fairness to stakeholders are topics of heated debate on platforms ranging from news forums to financial markets. This book stimulates critical thinking on executive compensation and guides academics and practitioners …
![Clo Leadership Styles & Participation in Strategic Learning Decisions](
Clo Leadership Styles & Participation in Strategic Learning Decisions
Clo Leadership Styles & Participation in Strategic Learning Decisions - Engels | Paperback | 9783846532577 | 19 oktober 2011 | 204 pagina'sThe position of Chief Learning Officer (CLO) is relatively new in business organizations, and little research has been conducted on this function. With the global proliferation of knowledge, the CLO assumes increasing importance for organizational success. This quantitative study explored CLOs' leadership styles and participation in strategic learning decision making. The study purpose was to …
![Executive Politics and Governance - Leveraging Financial Markets for Development](
Executive Politics and Governance - Leveraging Financial Markets for Development
Executive Politics and Governance - Leveraging Financial Markets for Development - Engels | E-book | 9783030550080 | 28 september 2020 | -681264This book investigates how development institutions created and promoted marketized development financial instruments to increase the speed and scope of assistance by leveraging private financial markets for development objectives. To attract private investors, donor governments agreed to bear the risk in these new instruments in order to mobilize investment during times of political crisis. In …
![Verhaltens- und Modellrisiken bei der Bewertung von Executive Stock Options nach SFAS Nr. 123 am deutschen Kapitalmarkt](
Verhaltens- und Modellrisiken bei der Bewertung von Executive Stock Options nach SFAS Nr. 123 am deutschen Kapitalmarkt
Verhaltens- und Modellrisiken bei der Bewertung von Executive Stock Options nach SFAS Nr. 123 am deutschen Kapitalmarkt - Duits | Paperback | 9783835008632 | 25 september 2007 | 341 pagina'sArmin H. Kirchner untersucht die Verlässlichkeit des Optionsgesamtwerts nach den Vorschriften von SFAS Nr. 123 auf zwei Ebenen. Er analysiert einerseits, ob Manager auf die bilanzielle Bewertung und Darstellung ihrer Optionen Einfluss nehmen (Verhaltensrisiko) und geht andererseits der Frage nach, ob die Bewertungsvorschrift in SFAS Nr. 123 auf unrealistischen Annahmen beruht, was zu einer Verzerrung …
![Selling to the Top](
Selling to the Top
Selling to the Top - Engels | Paperback | 9780471581055 | 06 juli 1993 | 256 pagina'sDavid Peoples reveals how you can reach the decision makers at the top and clinch the sale. Ita s tougher than ever to win over todaya s customers, but it helps to have David Peoples on your side. This internationally known author, speaker, and sales trainer has already trained over 8,000 IBM salespeople in his …
![Wiley Corporate F&A 639 - Executive's Guide to COSO Internal Controls](
Wiley Corporate F&A 639 - Executive's Guide to COSO Internal Controls
Wiley Corporate F&A 639 - Executive's Guide to COSO Internal Controls - Engels | E-book | 9781118813812 | 11 december 2013 | Adobe ePubEssential guidance on the revised COSO internal controls framework Need the latest on the new, revised COSO internal controls framework? Executive's Guide to COSO Internal Controls provides a step-by-step plan for installing and implementing effective internal controls with an emphasis on building improved IT as well as other internal controls and integrating better risk management …