Boeken Account Executive
De Account Executive kan in verschillende branches werkzaam zijn. Hierdoor is er voldoende arbeidsmarktperspectief. De Account Executive kan in zijn vakgebied doorgroeien als de Account Executive successen behaald. De Account Executive kan dan belangrijke en grotere klanten krijgen. De Account Executive krijgt dan meer verantwoordelijkheden.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Account Executive. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Account Executive. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Account Executive die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 92 beste boeken voor een Account Executive:
Strategic Security
Strategic Security - Engels | E-book | 9781351123440 | 08 mei 2019 | Adobe ePubStrategic Security will help security managers, and those aspiring to the position, to think strategically about their job, the culture of their workplace, and the nature of security planning and implementation. Security professionals tend to focus on the immediate (the urgent) rather than the important and essential—too often serving as "firefighters" rather than strategists. This …
Incompetency and Competency Training
Incompetency and Competency Training - Engels | E-book | 9783319391083 | 14 juli 2016 | ePub met kopieerbeveiliging (DRM) van AdobeThis book covers theory and practice of competency and incompetency training. ‘Incompetency training’ includes formal and informal instruction that consciously (purposively) or unconsciously imparts knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behavior (including procedures) that are useless, inaccurate, misleading, and/or will lower performance outcomes of the trainee versus no training or training using alternative training methods. This book …
Non-Executive Director's Handbook
Non-Executive Director's Handbook - Engels | Hardcover | 9780750684194 | 28 februari 2008 | 602 pagina'sThe Non-executive Directors Handbook is an indispensable guide that deals with the changing role and responsibilities of the Non-Executive Director in companies today. It recognises the increasing importance of the position, the growing pressures on Non-Executive Directors and the need for full compliance with the latest legislation and regulation in order to avoid heavy fines …
Business & Professional Ethics For Directors, Executives & Accountants
Business & Professional Ethics For Directors, Executives & Accountants - Engels | Paperback | 9780324594553 | 04 maart 2009 | 575 pagina'sBUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL ETHICS FOR DIRECTORS, EXECUTIVES & ACCOUNTANTS, 5E, delivers an insider's look at actual companies in the face of a wide range of ethical dilemmas. Providing real-world examples of ethical issues in the workplace, this accounting text gives you insight into the development of sound patterns of behavior on the part of directors, …
Managerial Fraud
Managerial Fraud - Engels | Hardcover | 9781472413383 | 17 oktober 2014 | 290 pagina'sIn Managerial Fraud, Dr Terry Sheridan reports the findings of her study of fraudulent executives. Her work illuminates the particular methods fraudsters employ to appear more authentic than the average person and reveals two types of executive fraudster with very different behaviours.
Financing Handbook for Companies
Financing Handbook for Companies - Engels | E-book | 9789881241740 | 15 december 2009 | 207 pagina's | Adobe ePubFor a company, applying for a credit limit from banks and raising other financings are always of utmost importance. This Book aims at helping the readers to grasp a better understanding of: 1. Different financing alternatives available, so a company can know what financing alternatives it can choose from; 2. Typical features and restrictions of …
Accounting and Finance for the Nonfinancial Executive
Accounting and Finance for the Nonfinancial Executive - Engels | Hardcover | 9781574442878 | 22 juni 2000 | 288 pagina'sWhether a newly promoted middle manager or executive, an entrepreneur, or small business owner, you need to know how to measure results in dollars and cents. This title enables you to prepare, appraise, evaluate, and approve plans to accomplish departmental objectives and back up your recommendations with carefully prepared financial support.
Personal Financial Planning for Executives and Entrepreneurs
Personal Financial Planning for Executives and Entrepreneurs - Engels | E-book | 9783319984162 | 12 november 2018 | Adobe ePubEffective financial planning for executives and entrepreneurs is complex, dense, and impossible to reduce to a single, easy-to-understand formula. Designed to emphasize the importance of effective, targeted financial planning, this book begins by telling a story about a fictional, but plausible, power couple and their family who (spoiler alert!) do pretty much everything wrong in …
Executive Compensation
Executive Compensation - Engels | Paperback | 9781680832969 | 09 augustus 2017 | 196 pagina'sExecutive Compensation surveys the extant literature on this important topic. The first section starts with a discussion of the theory of executive compensation, in which the author identifies two major approaches. The first arises from the theory of optimal compensation contracting and focuses on the composition of pay, arguing that the composition of pay is …
Financial Management Association Survey and Synthesis - Too Much Is Not Enough
Financial Management Association Survey and Synthesis - Too Much Is Not Enough - Engels | E-book | 9780199977123 | 02 augustus 2012 | -505186The scholarly literature on executive compensation is vast. As such, this literature provides an unparalleled resource for studying the interaction between the setting of incentives (or the attempted setting of incentives) and the behavior that is actually adduced. From this literature, there are several reasons for believing that one can set incentives in executive compensation …