Boeken Embedded Engineer

Het productieproces is constant aan het veranderen. De arbeidsmarkt daarom ook. Er zullen meestal wel posities open staan, maar hoeveel en op welk niveau is niet te voorspellen. Het is wel goed mogelijk om als Embedded Engineer door te stromen naar de positie van Hoofdengineer of Teamleider.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Embedded Engineer. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Embedded Engineer. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Embedded Engineer die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 100 beste boeken voor een Embedded Engineer:

Design of Microcontroller Based Embeded Water Level Sensor

Design of Microcontroller Based Embeded Water Level Sensor

Design of Microcontroller Based Embeded Water Level Sensor - Engels | Paperback | 9783847306818 | 12 januari 2012 | 84 pagina's

A torrential flood can sink and wash away homes as well as damage various other properties such as electrical goods, vehicles and the like. This is a loss for residents. The worst effect of floods is on one's health. Floods often result in a loss of life especially in low-lying areas and along river banks. …

IOP ebooks - Practical Analog, Digital, and Embedded Electronics for Scientists

IOP ebooks - Practical Analog, Digital, and Embedded Electronics for Scientists

IOP ebooks - Practical Analog, Digital, and Embedded Electronics for Scientists - Engels | E-book | 9780750334914 | 30 december 2020 | Adobe ePub

This book is different to other electronics texts available. First, it is short. Created for a one-semester course taken by physics students, both undergraduate and graduate it includes only the essentials and covers those topics only as deeply as needed in order to understand the material in the integrated laboratory exercises. Unlike many electronics texts …

Embedded System Design with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers

Embedded System Design with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers

Embedded System Design with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers - Engels | E-book | 9783030884390 | 03 januari 2022 | Adobe ePub

This textbook introduces basic and advanced embedded system topics through Arm Cortex M microcontrollers, covering programmable microcontroller usage starting from basic to advanced concepts using the STMicroelectronics Discovery development board. Designed for use in upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses on microcontrollers, microprocessor systems, and embedded systems, the book explores fundamental and advanced topics, real-time operating …

Freedos Kernel

Freedos Kernel

Freedos Kernel - Engels | Paperback | 9780879304362 | 09 januari 1996 | 328 pagina's

Master operation system development. FreeDOS Kernel explains the construction and operation of Pat Villani's DOS-C - a highly portable, single threaded operating system. Written in C and with system calls similar to MS-DOS, the FreeDOS kernel provides an

A Low-cost Embedded Smart Car Security And Theft Control System

A Low-cost Embedded Smart Car Security And Theft Control System

A Low-cost Embedded Smart Car Security And Theft Control System - Engels | Paperback | 9783844383164 | 06 juni 2011 | 84 pagina's

"In modern world, new techniques such as biometric recognition tech., image processing tech, communication tech and so on, have been integrated into car security systems. At the same time, the amount of accident of cars still remains high, specially, lost. When one car is really lost, no more feedback could be valid to help people …

Aerospace Engineering - Spacecraft Dynamics and Control

Aerospace Engineering - Spacecraft Dynamics and Control

Aerospace Engineering - Spacecraft Dynamics and Control - Engels | E-book | 9780081017951 | 08 maart 2018 | Adobe ePub

Spacecraft Dynamics and Control: The Embedded Model Control Approach provides a uniform and systematic way of approaching space engineering control problems from the standpoint of model-based control, using state-space equations as the key paradigm for simulation, design and implementation. The book introduces the Embedded Model Control methodology for the design and implementation of attitude and …

Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Systems: The Spes 2020 Methodology

Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Systems: The Spes 2020 Methodology

Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Systems: The Spes 2020 Methodology - Engels | Hardcover | 9783642346132 | 09 november 2012 | 304 pagina's

This book offers a comprehensive guide to model-based engineering of embedded systems, with sections titled Starting Point, SPES Modeling Theory, Application and Evaluation of the SPES Methodology and Impact of the SPES Methodology. Embedded systems have long become essential in application areas in which human control is impossible or infeasible. The development of modern embedded …

Embedded Systems Security

Embedded Systems Security

Embedded Systems Security - Engels | E-book | 9780123868879 | 25 april 2012 | 416 pagina's | Adobe ePub

The ultimate resource for making embedded systems reliable, safe, and secure Embedded Systems Security provides: A broad understanding of security principles, concerns, and technologies Proven techniques for the efficient development of safe and secure embedded software A study of the system architectures, operating systems and hypervisors, networking, storage, and cryptographic issues that must be considered …

8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, The

8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, The

8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, The - Engels | Paperback | 9781292026572 | 05 augustus 2013 | 640 pagina's

Preface Introduction The Classical Period: Nineteenth Century Sociology Auguste Comte (1798-1857) on Women in Positivist Society Harriett Martineau (1802-1876) on American Women Bebel, August (1840-1913) on Women and Socialism Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) on the Division of Labor and Interests in Marriage Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) on the Rights and Status of Women Lester Frank Ward (1841-1913) …

Space -  Embedded in Space

Space - Embedded in Space

Space - Embedded in Space - Engels | E-book | 1230004242185 | 14 oktober 2015 | -681277

The book covers the topic of Embedded Computers for Spacecraft. We need to define and explore some terms, starting with “embedded computer.” We'll look at its cpu, memory, and I/O. The Space environment is harsh, and hard on computer components. We'll review these effects, and see what additional requirements they place upon the system. Just …

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