Boeken Facturist
Het arbeidsmarktperspectief is niet bijzonder gunstig voor de facturist: er zijn maar weinig vacatures voor het beroep te vinden. Over de doorgroeimogelijkheden is niet heel veel bekend, maar een goede facturist is vaardig op het gebied van administratie, controle en aanverwante werkzaamheden, en zou dit bijvoorbeeld goed kunnen toepassen in de functie van hoofd administratie of administrateur.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Facturist. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Facturist. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Facturist die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 99 beste boeken voor een Facturist:

Words in Revolution
Words in Revolution - Engels | Druk: New Academia ed. | Paperback | 9780974493473 | 372 pagina'sIn her extensive Introduction, Lawton has highlighted the historical development of the movement and has related futurism both to the Russian national scene and to avant-garde movements worldwide.

Über Valentine de Saint-Points 'Manifeste de la Femme Futuriste'
Über Valentine de Saint-Points 'Manifeste de la Femme Futuriste' - Duitstalig | Druk: 1 | E-book | 9783640645688Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Romanistik - Französisch - Literatur, Note: 1,3, Universität Osnabrück, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die vorliegende Arbeit, die Ausarbeitung zu meinem Referat, welches im Rahmen des Seminars Französische Avantgarden im europäischen Kontext gehalten wurde, gibt einen Über-blick über die Biographie und das Schaffen der avantgardistischen Künstlerin Valentine de Saint-Point. Im …

The Invisible Man (Unabridged)
The Invisible Man (Unabridged) - Engels | E-book | 9788026835660The Invisible Man is a science fiction novella. The Invisible Man of the title is Griffin, a scientist who has devoted himself to research into optics and invents a way to change a body's refractive index to that of air so that it absorbs and reflects no light and thus becomes invisible. He successfully carries …
Futurist Depero 1913-1950
Futurist Depero 1913-1950 - Engels | Druk: 1 | Hardcover | 9788470756252 | 462 pagina'sThis gorgeous, clothbound, nearly 500-page volume presents a generous overview of one of the Futurist movement's most prolific and visionary figures. Fortunato Depero announced his allegiance to the Futurist cause with the manifesto "Futurist Reconstruction of the Universe" (coauthored with Giacomo Balla), and went on to attempt exactly that, traversing all disciplines--painting, sculpture, theatre and …

The Futurist Files
The Futurist Files - Engels | Paperback | 9780875807904 | 220 pagina'sFuturism was Russia's first avant-garde movement. Gatecrashing the Russian public sphere in the early twentieth century, the movement called for the destruction of everything old, so that the past could not hinder the creation of a new, modern society. Over the next two decades, the protagonists of Russian Futurism pursued their goal of modernizing human …

Dot-Line 2020
Dot-Line 2020 - Engels | Paperback | 9781683218807 | 40 pagina'sThe Futurist
The Futurist - Engels | Hardcover | 9780385517225 | 304 pagina'sYates is a Futurist. Which is to say, he makes a very good living flying around the world dispensing premonitory wisdom, a.k.a. pre-packaged B.S., to world governments, corporations, and global leadership conferences. He is an optimist by trade and a cynic by choice. Hes the kind of man who can give a lecture on successive …
Canadian Futurist
Canadian Futurist - Engels | Paperback | 9781717440266 | 140 pagina's
The Avatars
The Avatars - Engels | Druk: 2 | Paperback | 9781597313025 | 200 pagina'sGeorge William Russell, better known as (1867-1935), mystic, poet, painter, journalist, editor, and practical rural economist, was a pivotal figure in the Irish literary revival and in the emergence of modern Ireland. From the beginning of the twentieth century he formed life-long friendships with W. B. Yeats, George Moore, Lord Dunsany, James Stephens, Stephen Mackenna …

Explodity - Sound, Image, and Word in Russian Futurist Book Art
Explodity - Sound, Image, and Word in Russian Futurist Book Art - Engels | Druk: 1 | Hardcover | 9781606065082 | 248 pagina'sPainters and poets-including Natalia Goncharova, Velimir Khlebnikov, Mikhail Larionov, Kazimir Malevich, and Vladimir Mayakovsky-collaborated to fabricate hand-lithographed books, for which they invented a new language called zaum (a neologism meaning beyond the mind ), which was distinctive in its emphasis on sound as such and its rejection of definite logical meaning. At the heart of …