Boeken Lasser
De baankansen voor Lassers zijn goed. Er is veel vraag naar Lassers in de bouw, de techniek, de offshore en de Energietransitie.
Een lasser heeft veel specialisatiemogelijkheden qua lastechniek en qua sector. Een Lasser kan wanneer hij ook de juist opleiding volgt doorgroeien naar bijvoorbeeld Lasmeester of Lastechnicus.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Lasser. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Lasser. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Lasser die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 98 beste boeken voor een Lasser:
Accelerated Learning Crash Course
Accelerated Learning Crash Course - Engels | E-book | 6610000357109 | 04 april 2022 | Adobe ePubLearn More, Absorb More, Remember More Everyone is different in so many ways - but how we learn is not one of them. The same techniques that work for the experts will also push your ability to learn to a whole new level. Thanks to science, we now know much more about how the human …
Calibration of a Serial Robot Using a Laser Tracker
Calibration of a Serial Robot Using a Laser Tracker - Engels | Paperback | 9783659155932 | 08 juli 2012 | 160 pagina'sThe positioning performance of the industrial robot ABB IRB 1600-6/1.45 is deeply studied with a Faro ION laser tracker. Axes 2, 3 and 6 are found to have a non-geometrical behaviour. Different robot models are taken into account for calibration. The level-3 model takes into account the geometrical defaults as well as four error parameters …
Devices, Circuits, and Systems - Magnetic Sensors and Devices
Devices, Circuits, and Systems - Magnetic Sensors and Devices - Engels | E-book | 9781351645904 | 18 oktober 2017 | Adobe ePubThis book presents in-depth coverage of magnetic sensors in industrial applications. It is divided into three sections: devices and technology for magnetic sensing, industrial applications (automotive, navigation), and emerging applications. Topics include transmission speed sensor ICs, dynamic differential Hall ICs, chopped Hall switches, programmable linear output Hall sensors, low power Hall ICs, self-calibrating differential Hall …
Collimating a Newtonian Scientifically
Collimating a Newtonian Scientifically - Engels | E-book | 9781665580823 | 26 oktober 2020 | Adobe ePubIn 2003 my partner Kathleen, proposed a bungalow with a great view of the night sky. December 2005 and one year into telescopes, the optics of the length halved again 8” Cape-Newise got me tasting my own medicine unwittingly and gladly. The confident advertising style mirrored mine for Bailey designed hi-fi speakers, making 100 in …
Photobiomodulation in the Brain
Photobiomodulation in the Brain - Engels | Paperback | 9780128153055 | 16 juli 2019 | 656 pagina'sPhotobiomodulation in the Brain: Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy in Neurology and Neuroscience presents the fundamentals of photobiomodulation and the diversity of applications in which light can be implemented in the brain. It will serve as a reference for future research in the area, providing the basic foundations readers need to understand photobiomodulation's science-based evidence, practical …
Lens Design
Lens Design - Engels | Paperback | 9781498750516 | 01 december 2016 | 349 pagina'sA Practical Guide to Lens Design focuses on the very detailed practical process of lens design. Every step from setup specifications to finalizing the design for production is discussed in a straight forward, tangible way. Design examples of several widely used modern lenses are provided. Optics basics are introduced and basic functions of Zemax are …
Handbook of Optical Materials
Handbook of Optical Materials - Engels | Hardcover | 9780849335129 | 24 september 2002 | 800 pagina'sCompiles the physical properties of materials used in various types of lasers and optical systems. This book provides data tabulations and references for a range of the important optical materials, including crystals, glasses, polymers, metals, liquids, and gases.