Boeken Art-director
Een baan binnen een 'kunst'stroom is altijd moeilijker te vinden dan in bijvoorbeeld de financiële sector. Echter als Art-director kom je nog wel redelijk snel aan een baan vergeleken met veel andere kunstopleidingen.
Als Art-director kun je je specialiseren en je kunt zowel voor jezelf als voor een bureau gaan werken. Een Art-director heeft een doorgroeimogelijkheid tot de functie van senior Art-director.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Art-director. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Art-director. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Art-director die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 81 beste boeken voor een Art-director:

Art By Film Directors
Art By Film Directors - Engels | Hardcover | 9781840007701 | 01 november 2004 | 208 pagina'sMany of the greatest film directors began their careers as graphic designers, painters, or illustrators, but aside from the few established artist-directors such as Derek Jarman and Jean Cocteau, little is known of their creative work outside the medium of film. For the first time, film writer Karl French presents the exciting, diverse artwork of …

Art Directors Annual 82
Art Directors Annual 82 - Engels | Hardcover | 9782880467753 | 01 januari 2004 | 560 pagina'sThe best selling international review of the year's most innovative work in visual communication. Featuring, in full color, the winners of the toughest competition in the field. The book presents, with exceptional clarity and detail, the work of gold and silver medallists and distinctive merit winners in national and international advertising, graphic design and new …

Designs On Film
Designs On Film - Engels | Hardcover | 9780060881221 | 15 december 2010 | 384 pagina'sIlluminates the role of art direction and production design in the creation of some of the most memorable moments in film history. This title narrates the story of art direction - from the massive Roman architecture of "Ben Hur", to the infamous Dakota apartment in "Rosemary's Baby", to the digital CGI enhanced city of Gotham …

2006 Reclame Jaarboek
2006 Reclame Jaarboek - Nederlands | Losbladig | 9789070278298 | 294 pagina'sJaarboek 2006. Ook meerdere andere jaargangen ADCN in de verkoop, stuur hiervoor een vraag in via de website.

McMichael Canadian Art Collection
McMichael Canadian Art Collection - Engels | Paperback | 9781785511769 | 29 augustus 2018 | 80 pagina'sThe McMichael Canadian Art Collection has a unique mandate to celebrate the art of Canada, which it does within a great building in beautiful grounds overlooking the Humber River Valley. Originally a home completed in 1954 for entrepreneur Robert McMichael and his wife Signe, the building became an unofficial gallery when they began allowing passers-by …

The Art of the Documentary
The Art of the Documentary - Engels | E-book | 9780133764987 | 11 april 2014 | 408 pagina's | Adobe ePubDocumentary filmmaking is a powerful and vital element to our society, and those who are responsible for bringing real stories and issues to a creative medium often have an uncanny ability to make a deep connection to us with their art. Legendary directors and cinematographers such as the Maysles brothers, D.A. Pennabaker & Chris Hegedus, …

What An Art Director Does
What An Art Director Does - Engels | Paperback | 9781879505186 | 11 mei 2021 | 190 pagina'sWhat an Art Director Does is a comprehensive introduction to film and television art direction and production design. Starting with a brief history of the field, Mr. Preston's lively, well-written text leads the reader through the ins and outs of all the responsibilities and duties that fall on the art director's shoulders. A wealth of …

Self-Projection - Engels | E-book | 9781452941547 | 01 maart 2014 | Adobe ePubIn 1957, a decade before Roland Barthes announced the death of the author, François Truffaut called for a new era in which films would “resemble the person who made” them and be “even more personal” than an autobiographical novel. More than five decades on, it seems that Barthes has won the argument when it comes …
Adcn Jaarboek
Adcn Jaarboek - Nederlands | Paperback | 9789070278328 | 291 pagina's
Best European Design & Advertising 10
Best European Design & Advertising 10 - Engels | Hardcover | 9781856692847 | 25 februari 2002 | 284 pagina'sBringing together the top awards from the 12 countries that represent the Art Directors Club of Europe, this book provides an archive of the best and most creative work being done in European advertising and design today. Award categories include print advertising and posters, television and cinema graphics, graphic design, packaging and promotion, and editorial, …