Boeken Derivatives Analist
Een derivatives analist heeft de hoogste kans om een baan te vinden in een stad zoals London of New York, waar de financiele markten het meest zichtbaar en actief zijn. In Nederland zal men het een stuk moeilijker vinden om strikt als derivatives analist aan werk te komen, en zal men eerder een baan vinden als algemeen financieel analist dan specifiek in de derivatives.
Vanuit een positie als derivatives analist kan men doorgroeien tot manager van een groot team handelaren, en uiteindelijk met voldoende succes zelf de baas worden van een investerings-bureau.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Derivatives Analist. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Derivatives Analist. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Derivatives Analist die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 99 beste boeken voor een Derivatives Analist:

De Analist
De Analist - Nederlands | Paperback | 9789045310480 | 29 april 2010 | 384 pagina'sDe thriller De analist schetst een beklemmend beeld van ambitie, fraude, leugens en hebzucht in de hardvochtige bankwereld. Als Niccolo Lamparelli een prestigieuze baan bij een vooraanstaande investeringsbank in London krijgt aangeboden, gaat hij samenwerken met zijn jeugdvriend Jack. In korte tijd weet Niccolo zich op te werken tot een veelbelovend analist, zonder zijn principes …

Options, Futures, And Other Derivatives
Options, Futures, And Other Derivatives - Engels | Bindwijze overig | 9780136015864 | 01 mei 2008 | 848 pagina'sOptions, Futures and Other Derivatives: International Edition, 6/e Designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice, this successful book is regarded as the bible in trading rooms throughout the world. Hull offers a clear presentation with various numerical examples, as well as good practical knowledge of how derivatives are priced and traded. Student Solutions …

All About Derivatives 2nd
All About Derivatives 2nd - Engels | Paperback | 9780071743518 | 16 januari 2011 | 288 pagina'sThe second edition of All About Derivatives presents new ways to profit in the post-credit-crisis market--plus, it has brand-new chapters on high-frequency trading and the role derivatives played in the 2008 credit crisis

How to Build a Patina Volkswagen
How to Build a Patina Volkswagen - Engels | Hardcover | 9781787115002 | 28 februari 2020 | 160 pagina'sThe explosion of Patina Volkswagens on social media has inspired those car fanatics, who realise that you don't have to restore a car to end up with a good-looking ride. At last, you can stand out from the crowd, even on a tight budget. The look of the cars that result from patina builds is …

Board Directors, Financial Derivatives, and Corporate Governance: The Case of Vietnam
Board Directors, Financial Derivatives, and Corporate Governance: The Case of Vietnam - Engels | Hardcover | 9789811913990 | 10 mei 2022 | 230 pagina'sGiven the scandals marring the history of the financial industry, this book aims to tackle the question of whether board directors have the financial acumen required to handle the tricky instruments of financial derivatives through interviews with board directors and analysis of their organizations. This book gives readers a look inside the boardrooms and directors’ …

Porsche 911 and Derivatives
Porsche 911 and Derivatives - Engels | Paperback | 9781899870790 | 11 oktober 2005 | 128 pagina'sAll titles in this popular series of landscape-format books contain model-by-model technical descriptions, explain design and development features, discuss performance and equipment levels and, where appropriate, competition activities, as well as providing ownership guidance. The main text is supplemented by comprehensive reference material in the form of easy-to-study appendices. Chapters: Ancestors and parentage; Birth of …

Creating a Channel of Resurrection. Resurrection Practice.
Creating a Channel of Resurrection. Resurrection Practice. - Engels | E-book | 9783756559824 | 15 december 2022 | Adobe ePubThe derivative work was created based on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi "On the RESURRECTION". The book of Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi " Resurrection of people and eternal life from now on is our reality!", 2001, is taken as a basis. Individual experience is very important at the moment, because the general resurrection still begins with …

All About Derivatives
All About Derivatives - Engels | Paperback | 9780071451475 | 01 september 2005 | 253 pagina'sThe answer to trading profit growth lies in derivatives. All About Derivatives explains the major derivatives and their key features of each; vital mechanical issues such as storage, settle- ment, valuation, and payoff; and common types of risk and how to effectively hedge against them. Michael Durbin is known as a derivatives trader and manager …

The World Computer Derivative Conditions of Racial Capitalism Thought in the Act
The World Computer Derivative Conditions of Racial Capitalism Thought in the Act - Engels | Paperback | 9781478011163 | 26 februari 2021 | 352 pagina'sJonathan Beller traces the history of the commodification of information and the financialization of everyday life, showing how contemporary capitalism is based in algorithms and the quantification of value that intensify social inequality.

Computational Methods for Quantitative Finance
Computational Methods for Quantitative Finance - Engels | Hardcover | 9783642354007 | 27 februari 2013 | 316 pagina'sThis unified, non-Monte-Carlo computational pricing methodology is capable of handling rather general classes of stochastic market models with jumps, including, in particular, all currently used Lévy and stochastic volatility models. Many mathematical assumptions on which classical derivative pricing methods are based have come under scrutiny in recent years. The present volume offers an introduction to …