Boeken Docent corporate communication
Het arbeidsmarktperspectief en de werkgelegenheid voor de docent corporate communication is gemiddeld. Er is voldoende werkgelegenheid op de verschillende MBO en HBO opleidingen. Naast zijn werkzaamheden in de klas kan de docent corporate communication ook een mentorrol op zich nemen op de opleiding waar hij werkt.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Docent corporate communication. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Docent corporate communication. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Docent corporate communication die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 99 beste boeken voor een Docent corporate communication:

From Corporate To Social Media
From Corporate To Social Media - Engels | Hardcover | 9780415722568 | 25 februari 2014 | 292 pagina'sThe corporate and the social are crucial themes of our times. In the first decade of the twenty-first century, both individual lives and society were shaped by capitalist crisis and the rise of social media. But what marks the distinctively social character of social media ? And how does it relate to the wider social …

Democracy in an Age of Corporate Colonization
Democracy in an Age of Corporate Colonization - Engels | Paperback | 9780791408643 | 21 februari 1992 | 412 pagina'sAccording to Deetz, our obsolete understanding of communication processes and power relations prevents us from seeing the corporate domination of public decision making. For most people issues of democracy, representation, freedom of speech, and censorship pertain to the State and its relationship to individuals and groups, and are linked to occasional political processes rather than …

Future of Business and Finance - Reengineering Corporate Communication
Future of Business and Finance - Reengineering Corporate Communication - Engels | E-book | 9783031038389 | 28 juli 2022 | Adobe ePubThis book employs the latest insights from modern marketing into the theory and practice of corporate communication, including the main stages and goals, and highlights the key potentials for the field. It briefly presents the essential features of the methodological and structural sciences in order to illustrate to the reader how, from a marketer's point …

Management for Professionals - The Corporate Newsroom
Management for Professionals - The Corporate Newsroom - Engels | E-book | 9783030676421 | 13 april 2021 | Adobe ePubBreaking down barriers, creating transparency in digital communication and effectively targeting different audiences is critical to today’s successful organisations. Establishing a Corporate Newsroom is the answer. The first part discusses the different theoretical approaches of communication and the corporate newsroom model. Special emphasis is given to efficiency and effectiveness as the main pillars of this …

All crazy about the Mona Lisa
All crazy about the Mona Lisa - Engels | E-book | 9788835838562 | 30 mei 2020 | Adobe ePubAllcrazy about the Mona Lisawas inspired by a myriad of images on the web on the Mona Lisa. It is interesting to understand this passion that the whole world has towards Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa was taken up by past and contemporary artists, in design and in various advertising campaigns. Some large companies have …

Corporate Marketing
Corporate Marketing - Engels | E-book | 9781135100605 | 24 juli 2013 | 176 pagina's | Adobe ePubCorporate marketing and corporate communications are topics that have grown in scholarly and practical importance in these last decades. Fields such as branding, marketing communications and public relations have all contributed to this boost. Whilst there is a large amount of literature on each of these disciplines, there is little systematic development from the perspective …

A Handbook of Corporate Communication and Public Relations
A Handbook of Corporate Communication and Public Relations - Engels | Paperback | 9780415648271 | 12 september 2012 | 480 pagina'sA bold addition to existing literature, this book provides an excellent overview of corporate communication. Taking a refreshing interdisciplinary approach, it is an essential reference, offering in-depth analysis and contemporary case studies.

The Fashion Industry's Corporate Communication of Sustainable Apparel
The Fashion Industry's Corporate Communication of Sustainable Apparel - Engels | Paperback | 9786202513760 | 09 april 2020 | 72 pagina's
Corporate Blogs and Communications in Relationship Marketing
Corporate Blogs and Communications in Relationship Marketing - Engels | Paperback | 9783639423273 | 05 juni 2012 | 84 pagina'sCorporate Blogs and Communications in Relationship Marketing is een boek van Ann Katrin Deterding
Public Relations für Kommunikations-, Marketing- und Werbeprofis
Public Relations für Kommunikations-, Marketing- und Werbeprofis - Duits | Hardcover | 9783719313722 | 344 pagina'sISBN 9783719313722. Genre: Zaken & Financiën, Type boekomslag: Hardcover, Taalversie: Duits. Gewicht: 905 g