Boeken Docent corporate communication
Het arbeidsmarktperspectief en de werkgelegenheid voor de docent corporate communication is gemiddeld. Er is voldoende werkgelegenheid op de verschillende MBO en HBO opleidingen. Naast zijn werkzaamheden in de klas kan de docent corporate communication ook een mentorrol op zich nemen op de opleiding waar hij werkt.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Docent corporate communication. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Docent corporate communication. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Docent corporate communication die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 99 beste boeken voor een Docent corporate communication:

Global Electioneering
Global Electioneering - Engels | Paperback | 9780742526921 | 25 mei 2005 | 280 pagina'sGlobal Electioneering explores American-style political consulting and its spread to countries throughout the world, emphasizing the roles of communication and technology. Gerald Sussman challenges the common belief that American influence abroad is due strictly to the professionalization of politics and asserts that it is instead affected by economics, industry, and the organizational power of new …

Corporate Communication through Social Media
Corporate Communication through Social Media - Engels | Paperback | 9789386602305 | 24 augustus 2017 | 252 pagina'sSocial media are rapidly and dramatically transforming the communication landscape. They are purported to provide reputational benefits by promoting transparency and enhancing possibilities for stakeholder engagement. However, they also present reputational risks by exposing organizations to new types of crises, stakeholder criticism, and digital activism. This textbook provides a comprehensive look at social-mediated developments in …

Contemplating Corporate Marketing, Identity and Communication
Contemplating Corporate Marketing, Identity and Communication - Engels | E-book | 9781317850694 | 16 december 2013 | 176 pagina's | Adobe ePubSince the first International Corporate Identity Group's symposium in 1994, the fields of corporate identity, corporate communications and corporate branding have become a focal point for scholars and managers alike. Recently, the term corporate marketing has incorporated a host of key corporate-level concepts, representing a new paradigm of thought. Contemplating Corporate Marketing, Identity and Communication …

Fundamentals of Corporate Communications
Fundamentals of Corporate Communications - Engels | Hardcover | 9780750641869 | 26 oktober 1998 | 236 pagina'sGives professionals and students in marketing a comprehensive overview of what modern corporate communications is, and what it can achieve. Backed by numerous cases and examples, this book demonstrates how corporate communications affects the marketing mix and explains how it can support wider marketing objectives.

Digital corporate communication. Le cinque leve della comunicazione d'impresa nell'era del web
Digital corporate communication. Le cinque leve della comunicazione d'impresa nell'era del web - Italiaans | E-book | 9788891737854 | 28 april 2016 | Adobe ePubIl volume presenta un excursus dettagliato sul significato e l’utilizzo delle 5 Leve della Comunicazione d’impresa (Relazioni Pubbliche, Marketing Diretto, Pubblicità, Promozioni e Sponsorizzazioni), tradizionali e digitali. Tiene conto sia della realtà ed esperienza italiana, sia di quella internazionale, con una comparazione continua di teoria e pratica.

Corporate Diversity Communication Strategy
Corporate Diversity Communication Strategy - Engels | Paperback | 9783030299460 | 14 november 2020 | 214 pagina'sBy comparing more innovative sectors (tech and consumer goods) with a less innovative industry (finance), the author examines differences in the way brands approach and communicate about diversity in online settings. This book analyzes the brand communities of major American multinationals across three industries: finance, tech, and consumer goods. It assesses how companies communicate their …

Strategic corporate communication a select. of art. of bel. & dutch
Strategic corporate communication a select. of art. of bel. & dutch - Nederlands | Paperback | 9789014061764 | 341 pagina'sStrategic Business Communication is an umbrella term that is used in this book to describe the application of communication as a management tool for solving organisational problems. Writers in many disciplines have contributed to the body of knowledge built up in this field in recent decades. These include strategic management, organisational behaviour, corporate communication, marketing …

How To Do Everything With Podcasting
How To Do Everything With Podcasting - Engels | Paperback | 9780072263947 | 16 juli 2007 | 360 pagina'sExplains how to find, download, and listen to podcasts on a PC, MP3 player, cell phone, or other mobile device. This book walks you step by step through the process of creating, broadcasting, and promoting podcasts. It includes tips on refining content and building an audience.

Grasping Globalization
Grasping Globalization - Engels | Paperback | 9780926566064 | 05 oktober 2005 | 140 pagina'sIn our ultra-competitive world of new global realities, succeeding in business isn't easy. It requires tough decisions that sometimes involve moving factories to China or outsourcing services to India. But in our current environment of fear and suspicion, these responses often create even more difficulties when poorly communicated to the media, policymakers, employees and investors. …

Contemporary Problems of Corporate Communication
Contemporary Problems of Corporate Communication - Engels | Paperback | 9783659409936 | 02 juni 2013 | 52 pagina'sContemporary Problems of Corporate Communications This book tackles a very topical issue. Communication skills are some of the most important skills one should have to succeed in the workplace and in communicating with colleagues and business partners. Communications require certain competences that will guarantee their efficiency. Based on an analysis of the process of communication …