Boeken Facturist
Het arbeidsmarktperspectief is niet bijzonder gunstig voor de facturist: er zijn maar weinig vacatures voor het beroep te vinden. Over de doorgroeimogelijkheden is niet heel veel bekend, maar een goede facturist is vaardig op het gebied van administratie, controle en aanverwante werkzaamheden, en zou dit bijvoorbeeld goed kunnen toepassen in de functie van hoofd administratie of administrateur.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Facturist. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Facturist. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Facturist die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 99 beste boeken voor een Facturist:

A Guide to Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
A Guide to Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - Engels | E-book | 1230002510507This guide offers a comprehensive view of how artificial intelligence can be used for improving medicine and healthcare; while also clears up misconceptions about A.I. and its consequences. An easy read with a lot of practical examples and real-life stories about companies in the forefront of innovation.

Mafarka Le Futuriste
Mafarka Le Futuriste - Franstalig | E-book | 1230002384740Mafarka le futuriste qui met en scène la naissance d'un être mi-humain, mi-aéroplane pour détrôné le soleil et symboliser ainsi la découverte de la technique.

The End
The End - Engels | Druk: 1 | E-book | 9781441223906 | 128 pagina'sA few vocal futurists have publicly admitted that we are likely to destroy ourselves by the year 2050. Many more admit that, for the first time in human history, we cannot confidently predict the broad outlines of the human condition a mere 50 years from now. Here is a fascinating look at why many of …

Futurist Women
Futurist Women - Engels | E-book | 9781137508041Futurist Women broadens current debates on Futurism and literary studies by demonstrating the expanding global impact of women Futurist artists and writers in the period succeeding the First World War. This study initially focuses on the local: the making of the self in the work by the women who were affiliated with the journal L'Italia …

Vintage Tomorrows
Vintage Tomorrows - Engels | Druk: 1 | E-book | 9781449337957 | 412 pagina'sWhat would today's technology look like with Victorian-era design and materials? That's the world steampunk envisions: a mad-inventor collection of 21st century-inspired contraptions powered by steam and driven by gears. In this book, futurist Brian David Johnson and cultural historian James Carrott explore steampunk, a cultural movement that's captivated thousands of artists, designers, makers, hackers, …

New Word Dictionary From the Mind of a Thought Hungry Futurist
New Word Dictionary From the Mind of a Thought Hungry Futurist - Engels | E-book | 9781619845862A comedy dictionary of new and bizarre future words. About the Author A very multi-talented man, Jay has been writing since a very young age. In addition to being a poet, painter, wordsmith and actor, he enjoys stock market technical analysis and currently works for a premier mortgage credit verification corporation. Born in Alaska and …

Contemporary Futurist Thought
Contemporary Futurist Thought - Engels | Druk: New title | Paperback | 9781425945770 | 472 pagina'sContemporary Futurist Thought describes recent thinking about the future, dealing with both the hopes and the fears expressed in modern times concerning what potentially lies ahead. There are many such hopes and fears perhaps an overpowering number, competing with each other and swirling about in the collective mind of humanity. Psychologist and futurist Tom Lombardo …

Think Like a Futurist
Think Like a Futurist - Engels | Druk: 1 | E-book | 9781118239179 | 256 pagina'sPush past resistance to discover and own new business territories Think Like a Futurist shows how to track changes, explore questions, and engage in new thinking that connects today's pressures with tomorrow's realities. Cecily Sommers shows how to apply long-term focus and strategies to needs as diverse as industry forecasts, innovation challenges, leadership development, or …

Crazy Bobby
Crazy Bobby - Engels | E-book | 1230003290064EPISODE 3: In 1977, a concerned mother takes her teenage son to a psychiatrist. The boy is an artist, who constantly talks about hardcore sci-fi and contingency survival plans. Unexpectedly, his futuristic philosophy changes the old shrink's worldview.

The diseased city - Images of the body in expressionist and futurist poetry
The diseased city - Images of the body in expressionist and futurist poetry - Engels | Druk: 1 | E-book | 9783638518826Seminar paper from the year 2004 in the subject German Studies - Comparative Literature, grade: 70 (1), University of Cambridge (Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages), course: The City, 25 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: Where the Futurist's City Symphony is a celebration of 'the Joy of Mechanical Force', the Expressionist's is dark …