Boeken Facturist
Het arbeidsmarktperspectief is niet bijzonder gunstig voor de facturist: er zijn maar weinig vacatures voor het beroep te vinden. Over de doorgroeimogelijkheden is niet heel veel bekend, maar een goede facturist is vaardig op het gebied van administratie, controle en aanverwante werkzaamheden, en zou dit bijvoorbeeld goed kunnen toepassen in de functie van hoofd administratie of administrateur.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Facturist. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Facturist. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Facturist die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 99 beste boeken voor een Facturist:

Manifeste de la Femme futuriste
Manifeste de la Femme futuriste - Franstalig | E-book | 9782755503203 | 80 pagina'sValentine de Saint-Point est l'une de ces figures libres qui fit au début du XXe siècle l'émancipation féminine et l'avant-garde artistique, mais dont l'histoire culturelle n'a rien voulu retenir. Cette descendante de Lamartine gagne son indépendance dès dix-huit ans. En 1904, après avoir été modèle pour Rodin, vivant désormais en union libre avec le critique …

Book - Engels | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9781449305604 | 106 pagina'sThe ground beneath the book publishing industry dramatically shifted in 2007, the year the Kindle and the iPhone debuted. Widespread consumer demand for these and other devices has brought the pace of digital change in book publishing from it might happen sometime to it's happening right now - and it is happening faster than anyone …

The Other Modernism
The Other Modernism - Engels | Paperback | 9780520200494 | 250 pagina'sDrawing on recent feminist and psychoanalytic criticism, Cinzia Sartini Blum provides the first analysis of the rhetoric, politics, and psychology of gender in the avant-garde writings of the Italian Futurist F.T. Marinetti. Her book explores the relations between the seemingly unrelated goals of Italian Futurism: technical revolution, espousal of violence, avowed misogyny, and rejection of …

In Search of 0,10
In Search of 0,10 - Engels | Druk: 1 | Hardcover | 9783775740333 | 271 pagina'sThis exhibition celebrates the historic moment in the history of modern art when Kazimir Malevich debuted his new non-objective paintings under the banner of Suprematism and Vladimir Tatlin introduced his revolutionary counter-relief sculptures. They were bitter rivals and diametrically opposed in their creative thinking, so when an exhibition in which their new works appeared, entitled …

7 Deadly Scenarios
7 Deadly Scenarios - Engels | E-book | 9780553905618A global pandemic finds millions swarming across the U.S. border. Major American cities are leveled by black-market nukes. China's growing civil unrest ignites a global showdown. Pakistan's collapse leads to a hunt for its nuclear weapons. What if the worst that could happen actually happens? How will we respond? Are we prepared? These are the …

The Futurist
The Futurist - Engels | E-book | 9780307460332 | Star WarsWith the release of Avatar in December 2009, James Cameron cements his reputation as king of sci-fi and blockbuster filmmaking. It's a distinction he's long been building, through a directing career that includes such cinematic landmarks as The Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss, and the highest grossing movie of all time, Titanic. The Futurist is the …

The Futurist Cookbook
The Futurist Cookbook - Engels | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9780141391649 | 256 pagina'sPart manifesto, part artistic joke, Fillippo Marinetti's Futurist Cookbook is a provocative work about art disguised as an easy-to-read cookbook. Here are recipes for ice cream on the moon; candied atmospheric electricities; nocturnal love feasts; sculpted meats. Marinetti also sets out his argument for abolishing pasta as ill-suited to modernity, and advocates a style of …

The Movie Art of Syd Mead
The Movie Art of Syd Mead - Engels | Druk: 1 | Hardcover | 9781785651182 | 256 pagina'sSyd Mead is one of the most accomplished and widely respected artists alive today. The Movie Art of Syd Mead: Visual Futurist represents the most extensive collection of Mead's visionary film work ever printed, including ALIENS, Blade Runner, Star Trek The Motion Picture, and Elysium, compiling hundreds of images, sketches and concept arts from a …

Russian Futurist Theatre
Russian Futurist Theatre - Engels | Hardcover | 9781474402446 | 256 pagina'sA study of a key modernist form, its theory, practice and legacyWhat do we know today about the theatrical ferment caused by the scandalous group of Russian writers, artists, musicians and theatre makers who called themselves 'Futurists'? What can we learn from their iconoclastic and exciting theatre works?Underpinned by theoretical writings, manifestoes and demonstrations, 'Russian …

Futurist Painting Sculpture (Plastic Dynamism)
Futurist Painting Sculpture (Plastic Dynamism) - Engels | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9781606064757 | 112 pagina'sThis fiery and influential book, available for the first time in English, presents an Italian Futurist's radical ideas about art and architecture Futurist Painting Sculpture (Plastic Dynamism), a truly radical book by Umberto Boccioni (1882-1916), claimed a central position in artistic debates of the 1910s and 1920s, exerting a powerful influence on the Italian Futurist …