Opleidingen Portfolio Manager IT

Zou je graag Portfolio Manager IT willen worden? Of wil je jezelf verder ontwikkelen in jouw vakgebied? Hieronder vind je een selectie aan opleidingen of cursussen voor de Portfolio Manager IT. Filter op opleidingen per stad, of het bekijk het online aanbod. Ook vind je competentiegerichte opleidingen voor de Portfolio Manager IT.

De 8 beste opleidingen voor een Portfolio Manager IT:

Applicatie portfolio management (Regisseren)

Applicatie portfolio management (Regisseren)

Application Portfolio Management (APM) is de praktijk van het beheren en optimaliseren van uw applicatielandschap door continu een link te leggen naar de ambities en doelen van de organisatie. U leert hoe u inzicht en overzicht creëert op uw applicatielandschap …

  • Onderwerp opleiding Portfolio Manager IT
  • Lesmethode Klassikaal
  • Prijs € 1.650,00
  • Duur 3 dagen
Certified SAFe Lean Portfolio Management

Certified SAFe Lean Portfolio Management

Become a SAFe Certified Lean Portfolio Manager You are a leader in an organization that uses the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) to maximize value delivery and are looking to extend that to the Portfolio. This training is perfect for... Executives, …

  • Onderwerp opleiding Portfolio Manager IT
  • Lesmethode Klassikaal
  • Prijs € 1.795,00
  • Duur 2 dagen
Management of Portfolios (MoP®) Foundation

Management of Portfolios (MoP®) Foundation

Korte beschrijving Management of Portfolios (MoP®) Foundation provides a comprehensive understanding of portfolio management principles and practices. Doelgroep Project Managers: Enhance your ability to manage multiple projects and align them with strategic goals. Portfolio Managers: Gain insights into balancing resources …

  • Onderwerp opleiding Portfolio Manager IT
  • Lesmethode Klassikaal
  • Prijs € 1.500,00
  • Duur 2 dagen
Management of Portfolios MOP Foundation e-learning

Management of Portfolios MOP Foundation e-learning

Management of Portfolios MOP Foundation e-learning (including exam) Content of the training The aim of the Management of Portfolios MOP Foundation e-learning is to confirm that a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding to work as an informed member of …

  • Onderwerp opleiding Portfolio Manager IT
  • Lesmethode E-Learning
  • Prijs € 899,00
Management of Portfolios (MoP®) Foundation + exam [MOP-F]

Management of Portfolios (MoP®) Foundation + exam [MOP-F]

OVERVIEW Management of Portfolios (MoP®) provides advice and examples of how to apply principles, practices, and techniques that together enable the most effective balance of organisational change and business as usual. This course engages with the students to ensure that …

  • Onderwerp opleiding Portfolio Manager IT
  • Lesmethode Klassikaal
  • Prijs € 1.595,00
  • Duur 2 dagen
ITIL®4 Foundation blended

ITIL®4 Foundation blended

Korte beschrijving During this training you will get an overview of what the discipline entails and how the practices and activities from ITIL® are connected to this. This includes the relation to Agile and DevOps. Doelgroep Since ITIL4 is more …

  • Onderwerp opleiding Portfolio Manager IT
  • Lesmethode Klassikaal
  • Prijs € 1.100,00
  • Duur 1 dag
Investment Funds Xplained - Luxembourg

Investment Funds Xplained - Luxembourg

"Fund management can seem daunting – yet investors and financial advisers must drill down into a manager’s investment philosophy and process.  You need to be armed with the right questions, which means having a framework for understanding manager activities and …

  • Onderwerp opleiding Portfolio Manager IT
  • Lesmethode Evenement
  • Prijs € 1.460,00
  • Duur 2 dagen
Investment Funds Xplained - Luxembourg

Investment Funds Xplained - Luxembourg

"Fund management can seem daunting – yet investors and financial advisers must drill down into a manager’s investment philosophy and process.  You need to be armed with the right questions, which means having a framework for understanding manager activities and …

  • Onderwerp opleiding Portfolio Manager IT
  • Lesmethode Evenement
  • Prijs € 1.460,00
  • Duur 2 dagen
per pagina

Competentiegerichte cursussen en trainingen voor de Portfolio Manager IT

Voor ieder beroep heb je specifieke vaardigheden en kennis nodig. Deze cursussen en traininingen zijn voor de competentie Portfolio Manager IT

Trainingen & cursussen Analytisch
Trainingen & cursussen Anticiperen
Trainingen & cursussen Initiatief ontplooien
Initiatief ontplooien
Trainingen & cursussen Plannen en organiseren
Plannen en organiseren
Trainingen & cursussen Samenwerken

Online Cursussen & Trainingen Portfolio Manager IT

Voor ieder beroep heb je specifieke vaardigheden en kennis nodig, dat geldt ook voor een Portfolio Manager IT. Deze cursussen en trainingen zijn voor de competenties en skills die een Portfolio Manager IT nodig heeft om zijn of haar beroep goed uit te kunnen oefenen.

Management of Portfolios MOP Foundation e-learning

Management of Portfolios MOP Foundation e-learning

Management of Portfolios MOP Foundation e-learning (including exam) Content of the training The aim of the Management of Portfolios MOP Foundation e-learning is to confirm that a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding to work as an informed member of …

  • Onderwerp opleiding Portfolio Manager IT
  • Lesmethode E-Learning
  • Prijs € 899,00
