Boeken Business Intelligence Consultant
Het vakgebied waarmee de BI consultant zich bezighoudt is voor elke organisatie relevant. Omdat automatisering en stroomlijning van processen een steeds grotere rol speelt in het competitief houden van bedrijven komt er steeds meer vraag naar mensen die hierin getraind zijn. Bovendien is er in Nederland voorlopig nog een tekort aan werknemers in de IT. Dit houdt in dat je als BI consultant een goed perspectief hebt.
Verschillende BI consultancy bedrijven bieden traineeships aan voor net afgestudeerden. Zo’n traineeship duurt gemiddeld één tot anderhalf jaar. Hierna kun je beginnen als junior BI consultant waar je na drie tot vijf jaar ervaring door kan groeien tot senior BI consultant. Op dit punt kun je overwegen om leiding te gaan nemen over je eigen projecten en zelf een team aan te sturen.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Business Intelligence Consultant. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Business Intelligence Consultant. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Business Intelligence Consultant die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 98 beste boeken voor een Business Intelligence Consultant:

Leading with Cultural Intelligence
Leading with Cultural Intelligence - Engels | Paperback | 9781400231119 | 06 september 2022 | 272 pagina'sSucceeding in todays global market requires a new set of skills than it did when the pioneers of the twentieth century were making their mark but dont let that intimidate you from expanding your business beyond our borders. In order to negotiate with vendors from other countries, it is not necessary to immerse yourself in …

Emotional Intelligence For Dummies
Emotional Intelligence For Dummies - Engels | Paperback | 9781119988151 | 24 april 2023 | 352 pagina'sImprove your relationships and wellbeing with EQ Are you tired of feeling burned out and stressed? Do you sometimes wish you could just push “reset” on your feelings? Emotional Intelligence For Dummies walks you through taking control of your emotions, deepening your relationships with others, and managing your interactions at work. You’ll get straightforward and …

Rebooting AI Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust
Rebooting AI Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust - Engels | Paperback | 9780525566045 | 25 augustus 2020 | 288 pagina'sTwo forefront experts in the field of artificial intelligence present a compelling analysis of the current state of its technologies and the steps that are still required to achieve truly robust AI capabilities.

Creative Reboot
Creative Reboot - Engels | Paperback | 9789063696320 | 16 juni 2022 | 144 pagina'sA practical guide for change-makers and helps people with strong analytical thinking to tap into their imagination. Creative Reboot ushers in a new era of thought leadership, providing a structured pathway that facilitates building creative confidence and inspires the ability to conjure innovative solutions to complex issues. By combining detailed scholarly understanding, real-world case studies …

Service-oriented IT-architectures for Business Intelligence
Service-oriented IT-architectures for Business Intelligence - Engels | E-book | 9783640163427 | 11 september 2008 | Adobe ePubResearch Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2006 in the subject Computer Science - Commercial Information Technology, University of Vienna (DKE Wirtschaftsinformatik), 22 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: Einstein made that famous statement many decades ago, and it's still relevant today for building superior software systems. Unfortunately, as anyone who has been in the …

Executive Intelligence
Executive Intelligence - Engels | Paperback | 9780060781880 | 28 november 2006 | 306 pagina'sThis work presents the final word on what traits make for highly successful managers and a detailed explanation of how to identify potential standout performers. "Executive Intelligence" is about the substance behind great leadership. Inspired by the work of Peter Drucker, who first identified the attributes of effective executives, and Jim Collins, who showed the …

Prediction Machines
Prediction Machines - Engels | Hardcover | 9781647824679 | 15 november 2022 | 304 pagina'sNamed one of The five best books to understand AI by The Economist The impact AI will have is profound, but the economic framework for understanding it is surprisingly simple. Artificial intelligence seems to do the impossible, magically bringing machines to life-driving cars, trading stocks, and teaching children. But facing the sea change that AI …

Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs
Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs - Engels | Paperback | 9781422119150 | 09 september 2008 | 304 pagina'sUsing the groundbreaking formula they introduced in their book Financial Intelligence: A Manager's Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean, Karen Berman and Joe Knight present the essentials of finance specifically for entrepreneurial managers. Drawing on their work training tens of thousands of people at leading organizations worldwide, the authors provide a deep understanding …

Artificial Intelligence Basics
Artificial Intelligence Basics - Engels | Paperback | 9781484250273 | 02 augustus 2019 | 187 pagina'sUser level: Beg Artificial intelligence touches nearly every part of your day. While you may initially assume that technology such as smart speakers and digital assistants are the extent of it, AI has in fact rapidly become a general-purpose technology, reverberating across industries including transportation, healthcare, financial services, and many more. In our modern era, …

Business Intelligence: A Managerial Approach, Global Edition
Business Intelligence: A Managerial Approach, Global Edition - Engels | Paperback | 9781292220543 | 27 november 2017 | 512 pagina'sFor courses on Business Intelligence or Decision Support Systems. A managerial approach to understanding business intelligence systems. To help future managers use and understand analytics, Business Intelligence provides students with a solid foundation of BI that is reinforced with hands-on practice.