Opleidingen Electrical Engineer
Zou je graag Electrical Engineer willen worden? Of wil je jezelf verder ontwikkelen in jouw vakgebied? Hieronder vind je een selectie aan opleidingen of cursussen voor de Electrical Engineer. Filter op opleidingen per stad, of het bekijk het online aanbod. Ook vind je competentiegerichte opleidingen voor de Electrical Engineer.
De 5 beste opleidingen voor een Electrical Engineer:

Electric switching - Dag
Learn all about electrical engineering on the ROVC Electrical Circuits course! Learn to understand and troubleshoot switching technology. Do you want to increase your knowledge of industrial electrical engineering as found in switch and control boxes? And do you want …

NEN 3140 Instructed Person - Dag
Want to be allowed to perform work without having an electrical engineering qualification? Follow the ROVC NEN 3140 Instructed Person training course! Is it your job to carry out simple activities on electrical installations, or do you want to be …

VCA Basis Cursus en Examen Engels ( VCA Alkmaar / VCA Heerhugowaard )
The VCA basic diploma is intended for managers and employees. It is relevant for employees or managers who work in a risky work environment. Consider, for example, petrochemical companies, construction companies, traffic controllers, freight transport, the chemical industry, electrical engineering …

VCA VOL Cursus en Examen Engels ( VCA Alkmaar / VCA Heerhugowaard )
The VCA Vol diploma is intended for managers and employees. It is relevant for employees or managers who work in a risky work environment. Consider, for example, petrochemical companies, construction companies, traffic controllers, freight transport, the chemical industry, electrical engineering …

SAFe for Hardware (HW)
Korte beschrijving Get a comprehensive overview of SAFe, the leading framework for Business Agility, and learn how to start applying it when the focus in your organization is on hardware. Doelgroep This course has specifically designed for: Systems engineers, product …
Competentiegerichte cursussen en trainingen voor de Electrical Engineer
Voor ieder beroep heb je specifieke vaardigheden en kennis nodig. Deze cursussen en traininingen zijn voor de competentie Electrical Engineer