Boeken iOS Developer
Het arbeidsmarktperspectief voor een iOS Developer is goed. De behoefte aan Apps is zeer groot en er moeten dus steeds nieuwe Apps ontwikkeld worden. Ook bestaande Apps moeten steeds sneller en beter worden. De iOS Developer kan dus goed aan een baan komen, maar ervaring is hierbij wel erg belangrijk.
De iOS Developer kan zich specialiseren in een bepaald soort App (bijvoorbeeld games of informatieve Apps). Ook kan de iOS Developer zich toeleggen op het ontwikkelen van complexere Apps. Bovendien kan de iOS Developer doorgroeien tot Leidinggevende. Hij is dan eindverantwoordelijke voor het ontwikkelproces en het uiteindelijke resultaat.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep iOS Developer. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep iOS Developer. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de iOS Developer die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 30 beste boeken voor een iOS Developer:
Machine Learning with Core ML
Machine Learning with Core ML - Engels | E-book | 9781788835596 | 28 juni 2018 | Adobe ePubLeverage the power of Apple's Core ML to create smart iOS apps About This Book • Explore the concepts of machine learning and Apple's Core ML APIs • Use Core ML to understand and transform images and videos • Exploit the power of using CNN and RNN in iOS applications Who This Book Is For …
iOS Programming For Beginners
iOS Programming For Beginners - Engels | E-book | 9781681274751 | 24 februari 2015 | Adobe ePubiOS that is previously known as iPhone OS is a popular mobile operating system developed and distributed exclusively by Apple Inc for Apple hardware. Recently, this operating system has gained much popularity in the mobile world because of its high modern technology. It's the only operating system in the market that provides power to many …
iOS Application Security
iOS Application Security - Engels | E-book | 9781593277543 | 03 februari 2016 | Epub zonder kopieerbeveiliging (DRM)Eliminating security holes in iOS apps is critical for any developer who wants to protect their users from the bad guys. In iOS Application Security, mobile security expert David Thiel reveals common iOS coding mistakes that create serious security problems and shows you how to find and fix them. After a crash course on iOS …
So You Want To Be an iOS Developer
So You Want To Be an iOS Developer - Engels | E-book | 9781310916663 | 04 november 2014 | Epub zonder kopieerbeveiliging (DRM)"So you want to be an iOS Developer" is a starting point for anyone wanting to become iOS developer. It walks you through all the steps needed to get up and running in developing your own apps. Simple and straight forward explanations with hundreds of screen shots and code snippets. We start by signing up …
Oracle Mobile Application Framework Developer Guide: Build Multiplatform Enterprise Mobile Apps
Oracle Mobile Application Framework Developer Guide: Build Multiplatform Enterprise Mobile Apps - Engels | E-book | 9780071830867 | 06 oktober 2014 | 464 pagina's | Adobe ePubMaster Oracle Mobile Application Framework In Oracle Mobile Application Framework Developer Guide, Oracle ACE Luc Bors explains how to use this powerful tool to create multiplatform mobile apps based on a single code base. Detailed examples and ready-to-use code are provided throughout the book. A complete, step-by-step sample application highlights the robust functionality of Oracle …
Advanced Ios 6 Developer'S Cookbook
Advanced Ios 6 Developer'S Cookbook - Engels | Paperback | 9780321884220 | 27 februari 2013 | 493 pagina'sThe Advanced iOS 6 Developer's Cookbook brings together reliable, proven solutions for cutting-edge iOS 6 development. World-renowned iOS expert Erica Sadun covers device-specific development, document/data sharing, Core Text, networking, image processing, onboard cameras, audio, Address Book, Core Location, GameKit,StoreKit, push notifications, and more. As in her previous bestselling iOS books, Sadun translates today's development best …
Developing C# Apps For Iphone And Ipad Using Monotouch
Developing C# Apps For Iphone And Ipad Using Monotouch - Engels | Paperback | 9781430231745 | 09 juni 2011 | 493 pagina'sDeveloping C# Applications for iPhone and iPad using MonoTouch shows you how to use your existing C# skills to write apps for the iPhone and iPad. Developing C# Applications for iPhone and iPad using MonoTouch takes you from your first "Hello, World" example through the major APIs and features of iOS.
The iOS 4 Developer's Cookbook
The iOS 4 Developer's Cookbook - Engels | E-book | 9780132575492 | 13 oktober 2011 | 644 pagina's | Adobe ePubPraise for previous editions of The iPhone Developer’s Cookbook “This book would be a bargain at ten times its price! If you are writing iPhone software, it will save you weeks of development time. Erica has included dozens of crisp and clear examples illustrating essential iPhone development techniques and many others that show special effects …
Migrating to Android for iOS Developers
Migrating to Android for iOS Developers - Engels | E-book | 9781484200100 | 18 juli 2014 | Adobe ePubMigrating to Android for iOS Developers gives you—as an experienced native iOS app developer—the skills to learn native Android apps development from scratch. Starting with preparing your Android integrated development environment and introducing just enough Android application framework fundamentals, you’ll understand how to create a simple but meaningful HelloAndroid project immediately. This book provides the …
The Gourmet iOS Developer's Cookbook
The Gourmet iOS Developer's Cookbook - Engels | E-book | 9780134085166 | 08 mei 2015 | 304 pagina's | Adobe ePubThe Gourmet iOS Developer’s Cookbook offers a fresh banquet of delicious cutting-edge iOS programming recipes for projects both big and small. Renowned iOS programming expert Erica Sadun brings together reliable, proven code for creating today’s richest, most robust apps. Sadun presents innovative ways to make the most of AVFoundation, Text Kit, animation, adaptive interface programming, …