Boeken Strategie Consultant
Hoe meer ervaring een Strategie Consultant heeft, hoe makkelijker het is een goede baan te vinden. Geen ervaring betekent vaak geen baan. Klanten willen geen onervaren Consultant die zich toelegt op zoiets belangrijks als de bedrijfsstrategieën.
Bij een goed netwerk kan een Strategie Consultant steeds grotere, uitdagendere klussen krijgen. Ook kan hij leiding gaan geven.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Strategie Consultant. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Strategie Consultant. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Strategie Consultant die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 96 beste boeken voor een Strategie Consultant:

Target Operating Model Strategy A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition
Target Operating Model Strategy A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition - Engels | E-book | 9780655996545 | 17 november 2019 | Adobe ePubWhat are the disruptive Target Operating Model strategy technologies that enable your organization to radically change your business processes? How do you manage unclear Target Operating Model strategy requirements? What are the key elements of your Target Operating Model strategy performance improvement system, including your evaluation, organizational learning, and innovation processes? What Target Operating Model …

Operations Strategy
Operations Strategy - Engels | Paperback | 9781292317847 | 26 december 2019 | 512 pagina's• How should an organisation satisfy the requirements of its customers? • When should it expand or contract, and by how much? • What should it do itself and what should it outsource to other businesses? • How should it organise the way it develops new products and services? • What type of technology should …
How to Wholesale Real Estate
How to Wholesale Real Estate - Engels | Paperback | 9781947200920 | 01 augustus 2023 | 208 pagina'sEven with no experience or cash to invest, wholesaling can be a risk-free way to create wealth through real estate. Do you want to invest in real estate but have no idea where to start? This beginner-friendly method requires no down payments, renovations, or mortgage payments, and it's where many investors take their first step …

Building Strategy and Performance Through Time
Building Strategy and Performance Through Time - Engels | E-book | 9781606490389 | 01 mei 2009 | Adobe ePubThis book uses a balanced blend of frameworks and illustrations to teach you how to tackle the challenge of driving performance into the future. This book shows you where the levers are that you control and how to choose what to do, when, and how much to achieve your specific goals. This book effectively outlines …

Business Secrets To Beat Your Business Competitors!
Business Secrets To Beat Your Business Competitors! - Engels | E-book | 1230000019736 | 24 september 2012 | Adobe ePubCompetitive intelligence or business intelligence or (the less ruthless sounding term) marketing research is a necessary part of any successful business. It’s not about being nosy or deceptive, although it calls for a little amount of spying. It is actually more about winning out potential buyers from your competition. We can refer to the entire …

Change the Culture, Change the Game
Change the Culture, Change the Game - Engels | E-book | 9781101475256 | 04 januari 2011 | 240 pagina's | Adobe ePubA fully revised and updated installment from the bestselling author of The Oz Principle Series. Two-time New York Times bestselling authors Roger Connors and Tom Smith show how leaders can achieve record-breaking results by quickly and effectively shaping their organizational culture to capitalize on their greatest asset-their people. Change the Culture, Change the Game joins …

Strategy Maps
Strategy Maps - Engels | E-book | 9781422163498 | 16 december 2003 | 480 pagina's | Adobe ePubMore than a decade ago, Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton introduced the Balanced Scorecard, a revolutionary performance measurement system that allowed organizations to quantify intangible assets such as people, information, and customer relationships. Then, in The Strategy-Focused Organization, Kaplan and Norton showed how organizations achieved breakthrough performance with a management system that put …

Making Strategy
Making Strategy - Engels | Paperback | 9781849201209 | 01 januari 2011 | 376 pagina'sA practical and engaging text for postgraduate students of strategy, particularly MBAs.

The Strategy Handbook
The Strategy Handbook - Engels | Paperback | 9789083320304 | 01 maart 2023 | 332 pagina'sIn this granular guide, you and your people will be empowered to generate and execute business strategies through user-friendly charts, tools, case studies, and a step-by-step process. Executives, Execution, and Empowerment! It is said that actions speak louder than words. Theory has its place, but experience serves invaluable. With experience, you actually learn, iterate, strategize, …

The FT Guides - Financial Times Guide to Strategy, The
The FT Guides - Financial Times Guide to Strategy, The - Engels | E-book | 9781292370071 | 15 september 2021 | Adobe ePubYOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO STRATEGY. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. The Financial Times Guide to Strategy is your unbeatable reference on strategy. It offers an incisive overview of both corporate level and business unit level strategy, an A to Z of the world’s leading strategic thinkers and introduces the key strategic tools and techniques you need to …