Boeken Strategie Consultant
Hoe meer ervaring een Strategie Consultant heeft, hoe makkelijker het is een goede baan te vinden. Geen ervaring betekent vaak geen baan. Klanten willen geen onervaren Consultant die zich toelegt op zoiets belangrijks als de bedrijfsstrategieën.
Bij een goed netwerk kan een Strategie Consultant steeds grotere, uitdagendere klussen krijgen. Ook kan hij leiding gaan geven.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Strategie Consultant. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Strategie Consultant. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Strategie Consultant die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 96 beste boeken voor een Strategie Consultant:

Enterprise Architecture As Strategy
Enterprise Architecture As Strategy - Engels | Hardcover | 9781591398394 | 01 augustus 2006 | 256 pagina'sDoes it seem you've formulated a rock-solid strategy, yet your firm still can't get ahead? If so, construct a solid foundation for business execution--an IT infrastructure and digitized business processes to automate your company's core capabilities. In Enterprise Architecture as Strategy: Creating a Foundation for Business Execution, authors Jeanne W. Ross, Peter Weill, and David …

Operating model canvas
Operating model canvas - Engels | Hardcover | 9789401800716 | 16 maart 2017 | 224 pagina'sThe journey from strategy to operating success depends on creating an organization that can deliver the chosen strategy. This book, explaining the Operating Model Canvas, shows you how to do this. It teaches you how to define the main work processes, choose an organization structure, develop a high-level blueprint of the IT systems, decide where …

Brand Gap 2nd
Brand Gap 2nd - Engels | Paperback | 9780321348104 | 25 augustus 2005 | 194 pagina'sPresents a unified theory of brand. This work shows how strategic or creative approach of thinking can unite to produce a "charismatic brand". It also helps you learn: the five essential disciplines of brand-building; how branding is changing the dynamics of competition; the three most powerful questions to ask about any brand; and more. THE …

Blue Ocean Strategy
Blue Ocean Strategy - Engels | Hardcover | 9781591396192 | 28 februari 2005 | 272 pagina'sThe global phenomenon, embraced by business worldwide and now published in more than 40 languages. This international bestseller challenges everything you thought you knew about the requirements for strategic success. Since the dawn of the industrial age, companies have engaged in head-to-head competition in search of sustained, profitable growth. They have fought for competitive advantage, …

Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat: The Brrrr Rental Property Investment Strategy Made Simple
Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat: The Brrrr Rental Property Investment Strategy Made Simple - Engels | Paperback | 9781947200081 | 16 mei 2019 | 192 pagina'sInvest in real estate, flip houses, buy rental properties, and never run out of moneyusing the hottest strategy in the real estate world! From AZ (or BR), David covers just what you'll need to execute like a master and build wealth like the pros." David Osborn, New York Times bestselling author For years, investors have …

Console Wars
Console Wars - Engels | Paperback | 9780062276704 | 02 juni 2015 | 558 pagina'sA BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: NPR, Slate, Publishers Weekly, Goodreads Following the success of The Accidental Billionaires and Moneyball comes Console Wars—a mesmerizing, behind-the-scenes business thriller that chronicles how Sega, a small, scrappy gaming company led by an unlikely visionary and a team of rebels, took on the juggernaut Nintendo and revolutionized the video …

Sirius Oracle Kits-The Art of War Book & Card Deck
Sirius Oracle Kits-The Art of War Book & Card Deck - Engels | Paperback | 9781398818934 | 15 oktober 2022 | 128 pagina's
Imaginable - Engels | Paperback | 9781787635623 | 10 maart 2022 | 320 pagina'sHow do we learn to feel at peace with the unexpected? When we think about the future it can be difficult to feel that we have any control. It is possible to see them coming and it's a mindset that can be learned by engaging with tools, games and ideas that will allow you to …

Economics of Strategy
Economics of Strategy - Engels | Paperback | 9781119378761 | 03 februari 2017 | 544 pagina'sEconomics of Strategy focuses on the key economic concepts students must master in order to develop a sound business strategy. Ideal for undergraduate managerial economics and business strategy courses, Economics of Strategy offers a careful yet accessible translation of advanced economic concepts to practical problems facing business managers. Armed with general principles, today’s students – …

De wendbare organisatie
De wendbare organisatie - Nederlands | Paperback | 9789462760905 | 31 december 2015 | 200 pagina'sHoe overleven in de nieuwe economie en daar zelfs sterker uit tevoorschijn komen? Leo Kerklaan laat zien dat organisaties niet zonder een agility based strategy kunnen. · Tools voor het omgaan met onzekerheid en complexiteit in de strategie-ontwerpfase. · Manoeuvres voor optimale afstemming van de bedrijfsmiddelen op de doelen tijdens de strategie-implementatie. · Een 'coöperatief …