Boeken Strategie Consultant
Hoe meer ervaring een Strategie Consultant heeft, hoe makkelijker het is een goede baan te vinden. Geen ervaring betekent vaak geen baan. Klanten willen geen onervaren Consultant die zich toelegt op zoiets belangrijks als de bedrijfsstrategieën.
Bij een goed netwerk kan een Strategie Consultant steeds grotere, uitdagendere klussen krijgen. Ook kan hij leiding gaan geven.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Strategie Consultant. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Strategie Consultant. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Strategie Consultant die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 96 beste boeken voor een Strategie Consultant:

Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics
Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics - Engels | Paperback | 9780749482572 | 03 mei 2018 | 288 pagina'sMake your supply chain strategy-driven by balancing the triangle of service, cost and cash

Creative Strategy and the Business of Design
Creative Strategy and the Business of Design - Engels | Paperback | 9781440341557 | 14 juni 2016 | 208 pagina'sProfessions that utilize creativity, technology and design have shifted from a purely idea-centric field to one that has to provide creative business solutions. Marketers (clients) now hold agencies or firms accountable for their creative ideas and as a result success is measured in conversions and ROI. This book will give you the tools to provide …

HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy for Healthcare (Featuring Articles by Michael E. Porter and Thomas H. Lee, MD)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy for Healthcare (Featuring Articles by Michael E. Porter and Thomas H. Lee, MD) - Engels | Paperback | 9781633694309 | 05 juni 2018 | 304 pagina'sPrepare for an uncertain future with a solid vision and innovative practices. Is your healthcare organization spending too much time on strategy--with too little to show for it? If you read nothing else on strategy, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones for …

The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing
The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing - Engels | Paperback | 9781138737518 | 14 november 2017 | 352 pagina'sThe Strategy and Tactics of Pricing explains how to manage markets strategically and how to grow more profitably. Rather than calculating prices to cover costs or achieve sales goals, students will learn to make strategic pricing decisions that proactively manage customer perceptions of value, motivate purchasing decisions, and shift demand curves. This edition features a …

Winning on Purpose
Winning on Purpose - Engels | Hardcover | 9781647821784 | 07 december 2021 | 256 pagina'sGreat leaders embrace a higher purpose to win. The Net Promoter System shines as their guiding star. Few management ideas have spread so far and wide as the Net Promoter System (NPS). Since its conception almost two decades ago by customer loyalty guru Fred Reichheld, thousands of companies around the world have adopted it-from industrial …

The Warren Buffett Portfolio
The Warren Buffett Portfolio - Engels | Paperback | 9780471392644 | 28 november 2000 | 256 pagina'sThe Warren Buffett Way provided the first look into the strategies that the master uses to pick stocks. A New York Times bestseller, it is a valuable and practical primer on the principles behind the remarkable investment run of the famed oracle of Omaha. Praise for THE WARREN BUFFETT PORTFOLIO THE EXTRAORDINARY FOLLOW-UP TO βTHE …

Three Box Solution
Three Box Solution - Engels | Hardcover | 9781633690141 | 26 april 2016 | 240 pagina'sHow to Innovate and Execute Leaders already know that innovation calls for a different set of activities, skills, methods, metrics, mind-sets, and leadership approaches. And it is well understood that creating a new business and optimizing an already existing one are two fundamentally different management challenges. The real problem for leaders is doing both, simultaneously. …

Lords Of Strategy **Rights Restricted**
Lords Of Strategy **Rights Restricted** - Engels | Hardcover | 9781591397823 | 03 maart 2010 | 347 pagina'sImagine, if you can, the world of business - without corporate strategy. Remarkably, fifty years ago that's the way it was. Businesses made plans, certainly, but without understanding the underlying dynamics of competition, costs, and customers. It was like trying to design a large-scale engineering project without knowing the laws of physics. But in the …

Routledge-Noordhoff International Editions- Digital Marketing Fundamentals
Routledge-Noordhoff International Editions- Digital Marketing Fundamentals - Engels | Hardcover | 9789001749842 | 06 juli 2021 | 650 pagina'sMarketing is now fundamentally a digital process, and this textbook was the first to comprehensively analyse marketing through a digital lens. As the field is evolving rapidly, this edition is fully updated to cover the latest developments in theory and practice, incorporating many international examples and cases.

One Page Business Strategy Streamline Yo
One Page Business Strategy Streamline Yo - Engels | Paperback | 9781292009629 | 27 maart 2014 | 168 pagina'sImagine if you could fit your business strategy on a single sheet of paper? Imagine having your plans, action points and progress report all in one place? Imagine how easy it would be to share your plans with other people? Now you can, with this innovative 4-step strategic planning tool, known as OGSM. It will …